some day

i'm a bad boy, cause i don't even miss her
witch love is my love
you lost me
can´t do this anymore
how to save a life

i love you
when you suddenly realize

i wonder if he ever would

its whorth anything

will you mary me? :$ - i love my boyfriend
you have to let it go

Do you remember what I was when we first met? I'd built walls around my heart, gated them, and thrown away the key. I had been hurt, I told you from the beginning. I'd been used, tricked, played with, but most of all, hurt. I thought it best to never fall in love again. So I locked my heart.
You figured it out quite soon. I said don't fall in love with me. I cannot fall in love with you. I won't. I'm too hurt, too damaged, too afraid to go through all of this once more. I'd decided love was just a scam. So we became friends, and that was okay with me, and with you. And it was all nice and comforting and I let myself trust you.
You would listen to me for hours, as we talked about everything and nothing. You learned why I wasn't willing to let anyone love me, and though you said you would never do that kind of a thing to me, I wasn't ready to trust you to test it out. I kept my walls intact even when I started remembering where I'd thrown the key. It was the only way to keep myself from falling in love.
But then something happened. I woke up three weeks ago and realised that I love you. And you said you love me, and you cannot promise we will be forever but you can promise not to hurt me. I believed you. I still didn't realize how I'd come to love you, how you came to find the key to my heart.
Now I know. You didn't find the key. You broke into my heart, and I let you. Just don't break my heart.all the good things

you asked me what was wrong
and i smiled and said nothing,
then i turned around and whispered
let the goog times roll

you have forgotten me

you and mee
welcome to reality
is'nt it ironic that..
we ignore those who adore us,
adore the ones who ignore us,
hurt those who love us,
love the ones who hurt us?

adore the ones who ignore us,
hurt those who love us,
love the ones who hurt us?